is a precise laser procedure which has now been performed in millions
of patients throughout the world. It can correct nearsightedness
(myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism by changing
the shape of the cornea.
Several advantages of current LASIK techniques include fast healing
and rapid visual recovery, minimal risk of postoperative scarring
or haze and very little or no pain.
The actual laser procedure is fairly brief. The patient's preoperative
measurements including WaveScan testing and intended correction are entered into a computer which controls
the laser. Following anesthetic eye drops a thin flap is created
in the top layers of the cornea. The excimer laser emits a
cool beam of light and the computer-guided laser removes a minute
layer of the inner corneal tissue.
To correct myopia the cornea is flattened by removing more tissue
in the center of the cornea than the periphery. To correct
hyperopia the cornea is steepened by removing more tissue in the
periphery of the cornea than the central zone. To correct
for astigmatism more corneal tissue is removed in one direction
or axis than the opposing direction.
After the laser is applied, which typically lasts less than 30-60
seconds, the corneal flap is repositioned. At the end of the
procedure patients are given antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops
to control inflammation. The procedure is painless and takes
approximately 10 minutes per eye. Typically both eyes are
done consecutively during the same session. Patients are able
to drive the next day and return to work shortly thereafter.
Drs. Parelman and Unterman are specially trained corneal surgeons
who have completed a cornea and refractive surgery fellowship. In
additions to LASIK, they routinely perform cornea transplants and
other corneal surgeries, and have taught these techniques to other
LASIK is performed at the Laser Sight Center, 3840 West 75th Street,
Prairie Village, Kansas adjacent to the Mid-America Eye Center offices.
Drs. Parelman and Unterman use a Star S4 Visx laser, which is FDA
approved for the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.
The S4 has active eye tracking as well as the ability to perform
a wider treatment zone for patients with large pupils.
Although the technical aspects of the LASIK procedure are certainly
important, as with any surgery the surgeon's personal attention
to the unique needs of each patient is of equal importance. Unlike
many LASIK practices, Drs. Parelman and Unterman also perform
each patient's preoperative evaluation to determine the type of
procedure which would benefit the patient most and personally answer
questions. Similarly, Drs. Parelman and Unterman perform the postoperative
exams and discuss pertinent findings.
Custom Ablation
In May of 2003 Visx received FDA approval for CustomVue laser or WaveFront
ablation. With the use of their Visx Star S4 excimer laser, Drs.
Parelman and Unterman are able to offer patients CustomVue LASIK laser
ablation. This procedure sets a new standard for laser vision correction
with the potential to enable better vision than with contacts or
glasses. [see image (a)]
The CustomVue LASIK procedure employs the Visx WaveScan system which
incorporates technology originally developed for use in high powered
telescopes to reduce distortions when viewing distant objects in
space. The CustomVue diagnostic system captures a "fingerprint"
of the eye, which is 25 times more precise than what was previously
measurable by standard methods. The WaveScan evaluates more than
simple nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, and captures
other, more specific imperfections in an individual's visual system.
Patients who are candidates for custom ablation are measured with
the Visx WaveScan imager [see image (b)].
During the WaveScan measurement, which only takes a few minutes
and does not require dilation, a beam of infrared laser light is
passed through the eye and focused on the retina. The light is then
reflected off the retina, passed back through the eye to a sensor
and then analyzed from 200 different aspects to create a map of
the eye-a unique visual fingerprint. [see
image (c)] This individualized treatment information is then
transferred from the WaveScan analyser to the LASIK excimer laser.
The actual surgical technique of the custom laser ablation is the
same as with standard LASIK.
FDA clinical study data presented in 2003 show that one year following
custom ablation, 98% of the study patients could see 20/20 or better
without glasses or contacts. Six month evaluation of study participants
shows that four times as many patients were very satisfied with
their night vision after the Visx CustomVue procedures compared
to their night vision before with glasses or contacts. In fact,
70% of the patients could see better than 20/20 without glasses
or contacts one year after the procedure. Please contact us if you
are interested in this improved LASIK method.
To determine whether LASIK is the right procedure for you, please
call our office and schedule a LASIK evaluation with Dr. Parelman
or Dr. Unterman at no charge.

(a.) Star S4 excimer laser |
(b.) Visx WaveScan imager |
(c.) WaveScan map |